Kenya Kericho AA

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Kenya, Kericho, Women's Cooperative

Tasting Notes:
  Vanilla Bean, Honey, Milk Chocolate
Processing:  Washed
Elevation:  >2000 MASL
Varietal:  SL28, SL34

Our new limited lot from Kenya is special to us for 2 reasons: its sweet flavors are balanced & pronounced and, most importantly, it's brought to us by a group of women coffee farmers who work diligently on producing specialty coffee that shines.

Fact: Women in coffee-growing communities are critical in the farming, milling, and overall production of coffee lots.  However, they are largely undercompensated and in many cases, never own coffee farms. Purchasing this lot from women coffee farmers of the Kabngetuny Farmers Cooperative Society, allows us to directly support their social & economic empowerment.

This AA washed lot is grown in the high altitude region of Kericho, and is hand picked, washed, and dried at its peak. Whether you brew it via immersion, percolation, or pull as an espresso, this coffee maintains its sweet and complementary flavors - vanilla bean, honey, & milk chocolate. Creamy mouthfeel lingers making you want more! 

Enjoy a bag today and support the empowerment of women in coffee globally!

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